3rd Week Submission-Dialogues

  ~Phone ringing~

Farihah: Hello, Kensington college, Farihah speaking, how can I help you?

Farihah : Who is calling please?

Syafira: Hello, My name is Nur Syafira, May I speak to Miss Alice please?

Farihah: I'm sorry, miss Alice is not here. She is away on training. How can I help you?

Syafira: What time will Miss Alice come back from training session?

Farihah: I'm not sure but you can leave a message.

Syafira: Could you tell miss Alice that i'm going to travel abroad for two weeks because of family matters, and I will miss to weeks of Mathematics classes.

Farihah: Yes sure. It's a urgent matter?

Syafira: Yes, its really urgent matter

Farihah: Is there anything else?

Syafira: Yes, Could you please tell her that i need her help to email all homework and classwork to me. My email is syafira03@gmail.com. 

Farihah: Sure.

Syafira: and also said to miss Alice ,that I'm really sorry for being a troublesome.

Farihah: Okay, I'll make sure she gets the message

Syafira: Thank you very much for your help, bye and have a nice day!

Farihah: Sure you're welcome and have a nice day too


  1. Some corrections for the dialogues:

    Farihah: Hello, Kensington college, Farihah speaking, how can I help you?
    Farihah: Hello, Kensington college. This is Farihah speaking. How can I help you?

    Syafira: What time will Miss Alice come back from training session?
    Syafira: What time will Miss Alice come back from the training session?

    Syafira: Could you tell miss Alice that i'm going to travel abroad for two weeks because of family matters, and I will miss to weeks of Mathematics classes.
    Syafira: Could you tell Miss Alice that I'm going to travel abroad for two weeks because of family matters, and I will miss two weeks of Mathematics classes.

    Farihah: Yes sure. It's a urgent matter?
    Farihah: Yes sure. It's an urgent matter?

    Syafira: Yes, its really urgent matter
    Syafira: Yes, it is.

    Syafira: and also said to miss Alice ,that I'm really sorry for being a troublesome.
    Syafira: Please tell Miss Alice that I'm really sorry for being troublesome.

    Your dialogues are well-written. Only the grammatical accuracy needs to be improved. Overall, good job!

  2. https://youtu.be/8hVcLNprzYE


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