
Showing posts from March, 2022

9th week- formal email

 Hi, welcome back to my blog!! My activity this week for subject EEP is make formal email about apply an internship at a local company. In that email we must to include details such as name, current educational qualification and institution, expected graduation and skills and abilities. 

8th week submission- blog

 Hi, welcome back to my blog. I want to share my activities this week. For subject EEP we need to record video about Text Conversation and give some feedback about video Text Conversation to the group that same situation with us. We need to watch their video through the link they share on padlet.After we watch the video, we need to share our opinion or improvements that we can learn or they can also learn. This activities can help we bond relationship between another classmate because we never see each other face to face.

Differences and similarities between text and call conversation

  Today, I want to share about the  similarities and differences between  p roducing a video for a telephone conversation and a text conversation. The similarities of telephone conversation video with text conversation video are both not face to face. The differences of telephone conversation are on call while, text conversation just text through WhatsApp, telegram, etc. I prefer to text because for me easy than call. That's all from me thank you 😊.

Emojis appropriate or inappropriate

 Hi guys, welcome back to my blog!! This is a 6th blog submission. Today I want to share my opinion about appropriate or inappropriate use of emojis and abbreviations when texting lecturers. Firstly, I think it appropriate to use emojis when texting lecturers but certain emojis only like smile emoji. Secondly, I think use abbreviations when texting your lecturers are inappropriate because can make confuse and not easy for anyone unfamiliar. That's all from me thank you 😊